Comfortable shoes, map/guidebook, camera, umbrella, reusable water bottle, sunscreen, wallet, and curiosity

City Exploration

Maps, snacks, water, comfy clothes, car charger, first aid kit, pillow, cash, and a spirit of adventure.

Road Trip

Tickets, ID, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, hat, portable charger, water bottle, camera, and good vibes

Music Festival

Warm coat, gloves, hat, scarf, boots, thermal layers, hot cocoa mix, camera, and a sense of wonder.

Winter Wonderland

Suit, tie, dress shoes, laptop, charger, notepad, pens, toiletries, passport, and a professional attitude.

Business Travel

Tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, cooking gear, hiking boots, insect repellent, portable charger, and marshmallows.

Camping Adventure

Sunscreen, towel, swimsuit, flip-flops, hat, sunglasses, beach chair, snacks, water bottle, and a good book

Beach Trip