Comfortable shoes, map/guidebook, camera, umbrella, reusable water bottle, sunscreen, wallet, and curiosity
Maps, snacks, water, comfy clothes, car charger, first aid kit, pillow, cash, and a spirit of adventure.
Tickets, ID, comfortable shoes, sunscreen, hat, portable charger, water bottle, camera, and good vibes
Warm coat, gloves, hat, scarf, boots, thermal layers, hot cocoa mix, camera, and a sense of wonder.
Suit, tie, dress shoes, laptop, charger, notepad, pens, toiletries, passport, and a professional attitude.
Tent, sleeping bag, flashlight, cooking gear, hiking boots, insect repellent, portable charger, and marshmallows.
Sunscreen, towel, swimsuit, flip-flops, hat, sunglasses, beach chair, snacks, water bottle, and a good book